When it comes to Dental Sleep Medicine, you want to be the dentist that physicians refer patients to. Become an active member of your community and introduce yourself to physicians in your local community, especially your local sleep specialist.
By introducing yourself you are marketing yourself and your practice so that your local sleep physician is aware of the services you provide. This also helps in building a strong relationship for proper diagnosis and treatment planning for your patients.
Get Patients Diagnosed
Referrals to provide oral appliance therapy are essential in maintaining your Dental Sleep Medicine practice, but it is also important to get your patients diagnosed. With a close relationship with your local sleep physician, you can easily refer your patients to them for diagnosis. By establishing a solid relationship, you are letting them know that you are screening your dental patients for sleep apnea and will be referring patients to them for evaluation and diagnosis.
Eliminate Unnecessary Repeat Tests
Additionally, joining forces with your local physician helps you to eliminate unnecessary repeat sleep studies. Once an oral appliance is placed, a follow-up sleep study is recommended to determine the success of the therapy. If you have a close relationship with a local sleep laboratory, you can also discuss the devices you use on your patients with the lab. By doing this you can further help your patients during treatment.
I encourage you to contact me today for tips and information on how to introduce yourself to the healthcare community so that they are aware of these unique services that you offer your patients.