Previously we have discussed the need to incorporate dental sleep medicine courses into the curriculum at dental schools. While this continues to be an area that we need to focus on, I have some exciting news to share with you all. To my knowledge, the first school where the dean is proactive in incorporating dental sleep medicine (DSM) education is West Virginia University School of Dentistry.
Beginning in the first year of dental school, Dean Borgia of West Virginia University ensures students can start receiving classes in DSM. And, to help keep students informed, I have joined forces to provide courses on DSM and other areas.
My Time Teaching at WVU
Topics are covered at West Virginia University as they cover sections in Basic Science. When students complete head and neck anatomy, I came in to visit and teach about Airway Anatomy as it relates to sleep apnea. Understanding the airway and how it can affect a patient’s sleeping patterns due to sleep apnea, and other sleep disordered breathing conditions, is vital in maintaining your patients’ health and improving service offerings.
Next, when students’ classes covered respiration in physiology, I came in again to discuss sleep physiology. There are two types of sleep, non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM). By understanding these types of sleep, and their role in sleep apnea, as well as other areas, students can continue to learn the importance of DSM and caring for their patients.
This occurs each time students reach a place in their learning where dental sleep medicine come into the picture. By providing these added courses, we can pave the way for our students to begin their dental careers with more knowledge than ever before. And, while they will still need to complete more education each year to remain up-to-date, the dean, a few of my colleagues and myself are able to get them prepared for the future.
Providing advanced classes in dental sleep medicine at our Universities should be a requirement for all dental schools. I am glad West Virginia University’s School of Dentistry Dean has taken that next step in providing classes at each phase of learning. To learn more about my upcoming lectures, and where I might be next, please visit my Upcoming Lectures page.