When we were kids we looked forward to summer break so we could hangout with our friends, enjoy the weather and go on vacation. I know, that was my favorite, too. However, as we grow up we often lose out on those set summer vacations with a break from learning in school. But that doesn’t have to be a bad thing at all! We can still enjoy our summers while also working and learning at the same time!
To help you provide your patients with the best care possible it is important to attend seminars and lectures for continuing education, which can also be a little vacation when these classes take place out of town! Here are some upcoming lectures you can look forward to for a little extra vacation and learning in 2016:
July 15-16, 2016
Topic: Pain & Sleep Symposium
Location: Atlanta, GA
Interested in growing your dental practice in the area of sleep apnea, TMD and craniofacial pain by working with the medical community? Then this Pain & Sleep Symposium is just what you are looking for!
July 29, 2016
Topic: Pharmacology, AACP
Location: Austin,TX
In this session I will perform a detailed review of pharmacological principles for patients with temporomandibular disorder to further help you in diagnosis and treatment.
July 30, 2016
Topic: Identifying SDB in your practice. July 30th 2016, AACP
Location: Austin,TX
On day two I will help in identifying sleep disordered breathing in your practice. Have you ever wondered about lateral tongue scalloping, cervical non-carious lesions, vaulted palate among other areas while performing your patients’ dental examinations? You may not realize it yet, but there are many signs and symptoms you might be noticing while your patient is in the dental chair that may contribute to bigger problems. By understanding clinical findings, you can help reduce your patients’ risks for systemic diseases such as stroke, hypertension and more. Let’s journey through and understand what you can do for your patients.
Upon completion of this presentation, attendees will be able to understand and identify Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB); understand the risks of not treating SDB; identify the signs that suggest the likelihood of SDB; and take the next steps when SDB is detected.
September 9-10, 2016
Topic: Advancing your Dental Sleep Medicine Practice
Location: Houston, TX
Many dentists have taken several dental sleep medicine courses but find themselves struggling to make sleep apnea treatment a profitable service in their dental practice.Tailored to the dental practice that has begun treating obstructive sleep apnea, this course will help take your dental sleep medicine practice to the next level.
September 23-24, 2016
Topic: ABC – Airway, Bruxism & Craniofacial Pain
Location: Chicago, IL
Did you know there is a link between sleep apnea, bruxism, and craniofacial pain? It is becoming increasingly clear that dentists involved in either sleep apnea, TMJ pain, or bruxism treatment should be knowledgeable in all three areas. Learn how to assess your patients, prioritize, and fabricate a treatment plan that provides the best results for these three conditions.
Take a break from the office and join me for one of my upcoming lectures! It will get you out of the office into a new location to not only gain a better understanding of dental sleep medicine or craniofacial pain, but meet other dentists struggling with the same issues and enjoy the new scenery! You can view other lectures here.